Every Adventure is Unique and so is the Journey to Get There...

Step 1: Let's Meet!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 

Our first step is to meet either online or in person. This is a great opportunity for you to share what you want to do, what your goals are, discuss what you’ve tried in the past, see how we can fit adventure into those goals, and ultimately choose where you want to go. 

This gives us a chance to feel each other out and make sure that we are a good fit for your journey. If we are a match, then we will move on to the next step of your new adventure! If we aren’t a match, then we will work together to find you someone who is a better fit. This doesn’t happen often, but if it does then we want to help you succeed, even if it’s not with us.

Step 2: Discover Your Starting Point...

A map is only useful if you know where your starting point is. If you’ve made it this far, then it’s time to schedule a full assessment that can be done in person or online. During this assessment we will test your current levels of:

  • Range of motion
  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Strength and muscular endurance
  • Recovery ability and sleep patterns
  • Nutrition and fueling habits

We will also help you 
uncover any other areas such as stress, family life, work, etc that we need to account for in order to give your journey the best chance for success.

This session helps us uncover the starting point so that we have an accurate idea of the steps needed in order to achieve your Adventure Goal.

Step 3: Make a Plan...

Our coaches will carefully craft an individualized plan for you to be successful on your journey. Each adventure is unique and so is the path we take to get there. We understand that not everyone has the same resources, so we will layout a few options for your journey. These vary in time commitments, in financial commitments, and in resources commitments. This is one of the biggest reasons that we don’t post generic plans or generic prices. We custom build your plan based on your needs.

Step 4: Ready, Set, GO!!!

Once we mark our course, we get you on your way! Yes every adventure has pitfalls, detours, and secret short cuts, so we are right there with you every step of the way. 🙂 We hold you accountable through many different methods to help keep you forging forward. Your coach is your compass and your safety net. They help lead the way and help get you back on track if you get lost.

We love adventures, and we love helping our clients achieve their adventures. Message us with your awesome adventure goals right now by clicking the button below.



Where should we send the information?

We will send it to your email for convenience!